Validation & Authorisation Process

IF-RS' Validation and Authorisation process consists of a complex set of masterdata, trial data, business rules, systematic audit rules and human supervision. A simplified overview of the key steps involved:

  1. Set-up the IF-RS platform based on masterdata from Sponsor
  2. Set agreed Business Rules
  3. Include approved Sites & Subjects
  4. Monitor Masterdata continuously
  5. Import clinical trial data from a variety of sources or Manually process
  6. Create a 'hand-shake' between Site and Sponsor, based on Activities performed and Unit Prices agreed
  7. Apply Business Rules continuously 
  8. Initiate Reimbursement Process on agreed intervals

Reimbursement and Settlement Process

A site must create, or have created on its behalf, an electronic invoice containing the right information and in a format that will be automatically processed in the IF-RS platform.

Structured e-invoices may be created, based on an Invoice Request from IF-RS, in a site's own system and delivered digitally to the IF-RS platform.

Alternatively, a site may rely on IF-RS' platform to create a structured e-invoice from invoice data already available in the IF-RS platform. This Self-Billing process will greatly speed up the payment process.

Either generated through an Invoice Request or Self-Billing, the electronic invoice is validated for completeness and accuracy before being remitted to the IF-RS system. This avoids multiple errors and manual intervention. Additionally, IF-RS will perform a number of checks and business approvals before the invoice is processed and paid.

Due to complexities with regard to applicable VAT rates and codes, invoices undergo a review process for tax amounts as well as total amount validation.

Payment of approved Investigator Fees can be done on a weekly basis, or any other payment term agreed by Sponsor.

We help Sites to invoice faster, get payments earlier

Contact us to find out more.